Sunday, September 25, 2016

Black Eyed Peas (Lobia) Fritters

Black eyed peas fritters are very special festival delicacy in our native place, (rayalaseema) region. My mom used to make these fritters as a holiday snack or festivals like Ugadi and Sankranthi and served with Mutton curry or Coconut chutney (for vegetarians). It’s a lot of work for her, especially those non grinder days, soaking these black eyed beans, removing the shells and the grind by using stone mill.  But the sweet aroma the scrumptious taste and the way we love these fritters, she used to take an extra pain to make these for us. I still remember I always roam around her, and eat the raw batter and get stomach ache all night long…. Well.. now, when ever I see these dried beans in grocery stores, I simply remember my childhood memories.  As a single woman, I definitely need audience to give company for such special items.  In general, most of my friends are all health freaks. They only prefer eating salads, and quinoa…ofcourse I am sure they love these fritters also, if I say I mix quinoa and oats with black eyed beans…. But I can’t lie… well…now, my dad is with me. So all my experiments are on my dad. He loves these fritters… and this is for his snack today with goat curry… After eating these, my dad said, I made just like my mom…. Ahhhh… he made my day…. So…. Here is my recipe to you all… hope you also give a try and enjoy…

Dried Black eyed peas - 2 cups (Wash and Soak in water over the night or for 7-8 hours)
Rice – 1 tbl spoon (Optional)
Ginger – ½ inch or a small piece
Green Chilies – 2 or As per taste
Coriander Leaves – 2 tbl spoons ( Chopped into small pieces)
Onion – 1 small (Peel, and chop into small pieces)
Curry Leaves – 5 to 6 leaves (Thinly chopped into small pieces)
Salt – as per taste
Cumin Seeds – 1 tbl Spoon (Optional)
Oil – 2 Cups (Or  sufficient Oil to Fry)
Preparation Method:
Wash and Soak Black Eyed Peas and Rice in water over the night or around 8 hours. Drain the water completely.  Add green chilies, Ginger and Salt to the peas and Grind to Coarse Paste. Take two spoons of Coarse Paste aside, and grind the rest into smooth paste. Add little water only if required. The consistency of l the mixture should be like Vada Mixture. Add Chopped Onions, Coriander Leaves, Curry Leaves and Cumin Seeds to the mixture. Mix well, adjust the salt if required.

Pour Oil into a pan, let it bring to piping hot and then bring it to medium hot.  Take the mixture into small lemon size round, Press it like Vada or Patti Shape, Put a hole in the middle of Vada if you like, or press in the middle.  Place these vada s / pattis in oil,  fry till these vada s get golden brown color.  Serve Hot with Mutton(Goat) Curry or Coconut Chutney or any of your fav. Chutneys. I will post the Goat Curry recipe later.  Hope you enjoy !!!

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