Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Bendakaya Iguru (Okra - Tomato Curry)

Bendakaya Iguru (Okra – Tomato curry):

I always prefer Bendi in one of my weekly meals. I still believe that this vegetable will improve my memory power (I was told by my mom). Most of my friends don’t like cutting okra because of its gummy nature. But to me, its very easy to cut when I follow some of the tips. I also found it’s very easy to cut this vegetable because I can cut three to four Okras at same time.  Thanks for my bachelor colleague to share this trick. Here are some steps/tips to cut Bendi (I call Bendakaya as Bendi) to reduce / avoid Gummy nature:
1. Wash Bendi with clean water and put on Clean Paper for 5 to 10 mins. Paper will absorb most of the water in Bendi.
2. Take a paper napkin and clean the remaining water in Okra.
3. If there is no moist or water droplets in Bendi, then it won’t be so gummy while cooking.
4. Don’t cover with lid, and don’t put salt in the beginning of cooking.
5. Make sure the knife and cutting board are dry.
6. Add little curd, or milk or lemon juice while cooking. (Generally I don’t prefer this tip).

Bendakayalu or Okra – 1 lb (clean and dry and cut into Medium pieces)
Onion – 1 half (Chopped)
Tomatoes – 1 Big (cut into Medium pieces)
Garlic – 2 cloves (chopped)
Red Chilli Powder – 1 tsps (as per taste)
Coriander Powder – 1 tsps
Turmeric Powder – ½ tsps
Salt – As per Taste
Oil – 3 tsps
For Seasoning (Popu) or Tadka:
Chana Dal – ½ tsps
Urad Dal – ½ tsps
Mustard Seeds – ½ tsps
Jeera Seeds – ½ tsps
Curry Leaves – 3 to 4
Red Chillies - 2

Heat the oil in a pan (or vessel) and add chana dal, urad dal, mustard seeds and jeera seeds. Fry them till golden brown in color. Add Red Chillies, Chopped Garlic and Curry Leaves. Saute them for two mins. Add Bendi into the oil and stir occasionally on Medium Heat. Let bendi become little tender, by leaving the gummy texture. Add onions, Salt and Turmeric and stir occasionally. Close the lid for 5 mins on low medium heat. It will allow bendi and onions to be tender. Add chopped tomatoes, coriander powder and red chilli powder and stir it on medium heat. Do not close with lid. Cook for 5 more mins by stirring occasionally. Serve with Roti or Rice.

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