Sunday, January 1, 2017

Happy New Year 2017 !!!

2016 was so rough. Passed through tough time. Totally broken me into bits and pieces. It was so hard for me. Not one challenge, multiple things, multiple ways, hit me like a storm, challenged my ability every minute and tested my strength to the extreme. Not sure how much mental agony, how many tears shed, how challenging it was balancing myself from the hurt, how much struggle not to lose my hope, courage and stability. I thanked God for being with me always, supporting me always, keepung me healthy, positive and focused. He is my strength, my courage and my savior. He is the only one who knew my pain and he never let me down.  I thanked my friends who helped me during the tough time knowingly and unknowingly. I only know how to stay focus, how to stay positive, how to keep up the spirits high. I know I became stronger than ever and more optimistic than ever. I am sure god will have better plans for me. All I have to be patient enough, stay focus on what I am doing and be thankful to God and for the people. I hope this New Year brings more joy, happiness, health and prosperity for me and for my family.
Wish You Happy New Year 2017 Mamatha !!!

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