Saturday, December 31, 2016

RIP !!!

Year is ending with the sad news. Day started with a news of losing a close relative.  An intelligent, talented person but crooked, broken in many ways with ego, attitude, inferiority complex and successfully failed in leading a better loving life. I was little when he stepped into our family. I admired the little frog and intestine diagrams he drew for me for my science class. I still remember his obsession about few little things (like listening to the same old telugu song repeatedly many times without getting bored, eating the same thing without changing the recipe for several months or years). I do remember his narrow mind and crooked mentality which broke everyone many times. I remember how many times our family got hurt, disturbed and spent more time for them. To me, this couple is the best example who got everything, but ruined their life successfully with Inferiority complex, ego, unrealistic expectations and lack of trust. He was my measuring scale for all my alliances what not to do. To me, he suffered all his life (atleast since 30 years that I know him) and I dont see him happy at any moment. I never saw him living peaceful life at all. I don't know. I may be wrong. He must be having his own perceptions and his own analysis for his deeds. However he is no more. I only knew how negativity, ego, and inferiority complex ruined one life time. One Lifetime …. Cannot be returned any more. Cannot be regained at any time at any given moment. Any change in his perceptions could’ve turned the whole family in a beautiful song, could’ve turned the family into most beautiful way. No matter what ever he was, I loved him. I deeply saddened of hearing the news. I hope he get peace and happiness in heaven. I truly pray for him and his peace in heaven.  May his soul rest in peace and in heaven. 

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