Sunday, January 1, 2017

New Year Resolutions - 2017

Hmm.. Since morning I am watching New Year resolutions in fb and tv. I generally don’t take any resolution. I don’t think I need to wait for a New Year Eve or New Year Day to take resolution. Hmm. May be this year, I am thinking of changing myself. May be I can think of New Year resolutions to start with. Hmm, actually today I woke up at 8:45 AM also, which is so unusual. Can I keep this as my new year resolution?? Yaak….I just cant do, I have to be at work by 8 AM, and who will make breakfast for me and set the lunchbox if I sleep till 8:30? Ughh… it doesn’t work for me. How about losing some weight? Two years back I thought of reducing 20 pounds in a year. Instead of losing 20 pounds, atleast weight loss, I ended up more eating, luckily my weight remained same.… Who will eat if I don’t eat? What if my stomach will cry ?? ughh… I can’t keep any such heavy, unreasonable, impractical resolutions for me such as reducing weight, maintaining diet. Hmm… Think Mamatha…Think .. Think for something not fancy, think something for budget friendly... Think Mamatha..Think… are few …listing.. let me validate on 31st Dec 2017 if I still alive and still remember. (List based on priority)

New Year Resolutons 2017:
1. Find out a way and Get a date (definitely with a guy) for Valentine’s day dinner. (at least this year) How to get a guy in 1 month 12 days? …. Wow… this is really challenging… (Goal 1 – already failed…hmm… let me atleast give a try before I say, I failed)
*** Condition: Need to get a guy who don't take me to Sub Way or Pizza place in BJ's / CostCo for Valentine's Dinner... ughhh.. not sure I get one...what a complexity. 

2. More Writing, More blogging (No work in the night times)  - No fans for my blog. So no matter whatever I write, whatever I post it just me…so no worries.

3. Improve Photography skills (Especially night photography and moon photography) – Goal: atleast take one moon and stars picture perfectly like a romantic painting. Romantic Painting…what a word… here is my next goal..WooUoahhh… I am an awesome dreamer

4. Build my own cartoons and themes: I miss Mr.P. I miss my cartoons. I just want to create my own cartoons. 

5. Learn a new language: Explore learning new language

6.Be More awesome and fabulous than last year : hahah…. Laughing loud of writing this statement. How to measure awesome and fabulous… Ok, be more cheerful and funny like the way I am..

Enough Challenging Resolutions. Let me see how many can be achieved in long term and short term. 

Happy New Year 2017 !!!

2016 was so rough. Passed through tough time. Totally broken me into bits and pieces. It was so hard for me. Not one challenge, multiple things, multiple ways, hit me like a storm, challenged my ability every minute and tested my strength to the extreme. Not sure how much mental agony, how many tears shed, how challenging it was balancing myself from the hurt, how much struggle not to lose my hope, courage and stability. I thanked God for being with me always, supporting me always, keepung me healthy, positive and focused. He is my strength, my courage and my savior. He is the only one who knew my pain and he never let me down.  I thanked my friends who helped me during the tough time knowingly and unknowingly. I only know how to stay focus, how to stay positive, how to keep up the spirits high. I know I became stronger than ever and more optimistic than ever. I am sure god will have better plans for me. All I have to be patient enough, stay focus on what I am doing and be thankful to God and for the people. I hope this New Year brings more joy, happiness, health and prosperity for me and for my family.
Wish You Happy New Year 2017 Mamatha !!!

Saturday, December 31, 2016

RIP !!!

Year is ending with the sad news. Day started with a news of losing a close relative.  An intelligent, talented person but crooked, broken in many ways with ego, attitude, inferiority complex and successfully failed in leading a better loving life. I was little when he stepped into our family. I admired the little frog and intestine diagrams he drew for me for my science class. I still remember his obsession about few little things (like listening to the same old telugu song repeatedly many times without getting bored, eating the same thing without changing the recipe for several months or years). I do remember his narrow mind and crooked mentality which broke everyone many times. I remember how many times our family got hurt, disturbed and spent more time for them. To me, this couple is the best example who got everything, but ruined their life successfully with Inferiority complex, ego, unrealistic expectations and lack of trust. He was my measuring scale for all my alliances what not to do. To me, he suffered all his life (atleast since 30 years that I know him) and I dont see him happy at any moment. I never saw him living peaceful life at all. I don't know. I may be wrong. He must be having his own perceptions and his own analysis for his deeds. However he is no more. I only knew how negativity, ego, and inferiority complex ruined one life time. One Lifetime …. Cannot be returned any more. Cannot be regained at any time at any given moment. Any change in his perceptions could’ve turned the whole family in a beautiful song, could’ve turned the family into most beautiful way. No matter what ever he was, I loved him. I deeply saddened of hearing the news. I hope he get peace and happiness in heaven. I truly pray for him and his peace in heaven.  May his soul rest in peace and in heaven. 

The Snowman- Who stole my heart

Little things matter. I got a Christmas gift, a little cute snowman in snow globe. He is so cute, little, a carrot nose, with blue scarf and cap, so cute, in a glassy globe, glows like twinkling star in multi colors. I simply loved him. I really became a little kid, kept the snowman in my bedroom. I open my eyes little bit, look at the snowman in middle of my deep sleep, smile cheerfully and sleep happily like a baby. This is the most wonderful gift I received this year. I simply fell in love with this snowman. Thank you so much for the one who gave me such a cute beautiful gift. Sometimes it’s little things that matters most. And the little things that bonds more. Hmmm..Its almost mid night… Good Night Snowman !!!

Friday, December 30, 2016

Year End - 2016

Year end…Hectic work, unrealistic schedules, unrealistic expectations, I am kinda tired of everything. Year End…means New year fun… people are rushing for parties, people are preparing for parties. I simply smile people who plan their weekend or holidays with crazy busy schedule. I know, I was like that few years ago. I am missing my family. I wish to be with them for next holidays. I don’t want to go to any friends place. I just want to be alone and be silent. I am enjoying my silent evening with myself in my beautiful, little house. Hall is glowing with Christmas tree, little Christmas lights. Little gifts, little poinsettia plants are glowing in the Christmas tree lights. I had the most wonderful Christmas after many years. Happiness in my family, Friends visiting, kids, affection, love, tons of laughs, little gifts, good food…house is so filled with peace, heart is so filled with tranquility. It looks like Santa gave me a gift of affection, love and peace for the pain and suffering I had. It looks like God listened to my prayers and blessed with wonderful peace and love. Everything looks more softer, more lovelier and more brighter to me. I am able to regain myself from the intense hurt caused by immaturity. I know, I lost my energy in controlling the negativity, but I am glad, I am strong. I am strong enough to regain myself and my positive attitude. After a long time, my heart, my soul, my body totally experiencing the silence and peace. The pain, the suffering, the tears, the hurt, everything washing away from heart. I am enjoying every moment with myself, I am making peace and love with in myself.  The bond I’m making with myself, my self-love without any selfishness making me more energetic, more confident. I am analyzing myself, I am correcting myself, I am restoring myself, reconnecting with in my soul, empowering myself. I simply saying to myself repeatedly "I love myself".   If Christmas is all about hope, peace and love… I gained it successfully in this Christmas. I just wanted to thank God for his support in my tough times and his help in regaining myself. I also wanted to thank my family and friends and my enemies who helped me to be as me. I decided to focus on my work, and on my hobbies more. I also decided to combine my personal and cooking blog into one and do more blogging. More blogging means…more thoughts and more pictures and more recipes. Happy Blogger in Happy New Year !!! 

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Soy Chunks Biryani (Meal Maker)

Soy Chunks Biryani:
“Nutella…or Nutrella… Eating Soy is like Eating Eraser…” a weird feeling on S’s face... Eating Eraser, what kind of comparison ...I tried hard to control my laugh.…simply admired S naughtiness...but yes, its so true… S is not alone. There are many people who hate eating Soy. Ofcourse why does any non-vegetarian eat Soy?? S has a point. J J Ofcourse, Soya is Vegetarian food. Pure Vegan. 100% high in protein.  I remember one of my visit to a Chinese restaurant with my friend, who is a pure vegetarian by religion. Its pure 100% vegetarian Chinese restaurant, which all the items made with Tofu or Soy or Sea weed… Interesting ingredients.. Interesting Menu like Phish and Chips.. is Tofu made in shape of fish and then chips… Kung Pao Schiken is Soy nuggets in Kung Pao Sauce… Well…taste was so good…so no comments. But still I don’t understand how my 100% vegetarian friend religiously eat KungPao Schiken…J J J anyways…coming back to my Soy curry… sometimes I too use  Soy as healthy option. Or for a change. I add in Vegetarian curry, and also I add with vegetables for vegetable biryani. Today my recipe with Soy Chunks is Biryani. Many people don’t like Soy because its chewy, with very different aroma infact it’s kind of rubber aroma ..hahaha…simply remembering  S’s face and smiling still... Well…There is a way to reduce the smell of Soya chunks.
Tip: Wash the soy chunks in cold water. Soak Soya Chunks in cold water for 30 mins. After soaking in water, soya chunks increase the size. Squeeze the water from soya by using hand or by placing in a dry towel. Fully drain the water and put into a separate bowl of water. let it sit for two minutes and squeeze the water again. Repeat the steps for two or three times to get rid of the smell. Squeeze the soya and remove the water, and soya chunks are ready to cook.
Tip 2: Wash and boil Soy chunks in water for 10 mins. Drain and soak soy chunks in cold water for 5 mins and squeeze out the water. repeat for two or three times to get rid of the smell.
This recipe is a traditional biryani recipe with adding soy chunks in it.
Preparation Time: 30 mins
Cooking Time: 30 mins

Basmathi Rice – 2 cups (Wash, rinse and soak in water 30 mins before cooking)
Soy chunks (Meal maker) – 15 in number or half a cup
Peas –  a small cup (Option)
Ginger Garlic Paste – 2 spoons
Canola Oil -4  tablespoons
Onion – 1, chopped into small cubes
Fresh Mint leaves – 1 small cup, wahsed, chopped finely
Fresh Cilantro – ½ small cup, washed, chopped finely
Tomato – 1 small- washed, cut into small pieces
Curd / Yogurt – 1 spoon

Caraway seeds/ShahZeera – 1 tbsp
Fennel Seeds – ½ Spoon
Bay leaves – 1 or 2
Green cardamom – 1
Ghee – 1 tbsp
Cinnamon Stick – 1
Cloves – 2
Black Cardamom – 1  (Optional)
Star Anise – 1 (Optional)
Mace – 1 (Optional)

 (Please note, if you don’t have Black Cardamom, Star Anise, Mace or Fennel Seeds, That’s ok. You can add any biryani masala powder (1 tbl spoon)   Most of the Biryani Masala powders have these ingredients, so no need to buy separately.

Heat oil in a big kadai or in a pressure cooker, fry chopped onions till golden brown color, add ginger garlic paste, chopped mint leaves, coriander leaves, sautee for few mins, add Soya chuncks, chopped tomato, add salt, pepper, Yogurt.  Mix everything, let it cook high on 10 mins, and cook on medium flame for another 5 mins. (add little water if required).  Let the soya chunks absorb oil/ masala little bit.
For Rice:
Take rice in a separate dish, wash, rince and Soak Rice in 6 or 7 cups of water.  Add Salt, Cinnamon sticks, Cloves, Cardamom, Fennel Seeds, Shahjeera, Bay Leaves, Black cardamom, Star Anise and Mace to the rice. Add a spoon of ghee to the water. Bring it to boil, let the rice soften little bit, make sure rice is half boiled. When the rice is half cooked, strain the rice and remove the water.  (Please note, adding salt while cooking rice is very essential for biryani, to make the rice delicious).
Mix the half boiled rice in Curry (in Kadai or Pressure cooker), close the lid. Turn the heat to low, let it simmer for 20-30 mins. Make sure the lid is tight and no vapor is coming out from lid. And make sure you don’t tempt by the aromas and open the lid for every 10-15 mins. J J J
If you use pressure cooker, keep the weight on, keep the heat low, and let it sim for 30 mins.

I made egg curry as a side dish and enjoyed Biryani with Egg Curry and Raitha.