Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Cherry Blossoms - Spring at Silicon Valley

Cherry Blossoms Arch at my work place:

Cherry Blossoms on a rainy day:

Amavasa raathri, paalapuntha aakasham tho kalisi nela meeda vasthe................

Trash and Machines speak to Hearts with no Words- Wall-E

Review will be coming sooooooooon

Chema Dumpa Fry (Taro Root / Arvi Fry):

Chema Dumpa Fry (Taro Root / Arvi Fry):

Chema Dumpalu / Taro Roots – 6
Oil – 3 spoons
Red Chilli Powder – 1 spoon
Salt – As per taste

Wash Chema Dumpalu (Taro Roots) thoroughly with cold water. Boil dumpalu till those gets soft. Add Salt when boiling the roots for better taste. I generally don’t prefer pressure cooking Taro Roots because these veggies suddenly become too mushy. So I prefer boiling into water so that I can check and remove them immediately when it turn to soft. Cool it or replace hot water with cold water and peel the skins. Cut each root into length wise.

Take a flat hot iron skillet or flat non stick pan (Instead of Kadai), heat it and apply oil into it. Place the taro pieces separately on the skillet and fry on medium heat till it turns to Golden Brown color. Sprinkle Salt and Red Chilli Powder before removing. Serve hot with Rice.

Thota Kura – Mamidi Kaya Pappu (Dal with Amaranth Leaves and Raw Mango)

Thota Kura – Mamidi Kaya Pappu (Dal with Amaranth Leaves and Raw Mango):

Toor Dal – 2cups
Thotakura / Amaranth Leaves – 1 bunch (Leaves separated, Wash and cut into small pieces)
Raw Mango – 1 small (Peel and cut into small pieces, leave the mango seed)
Tomato – ½ half or 1 small (Sliced into small pieces)
Green Chillies – 4 or 5 (as per taste)
Turmeric Powder – a pinch
Salt – as per taste
Oil – 2 tsps
For Seasoning (Popu) or Tadka:
Mustard Seeds – ½ tsps
Jeera Seeds – ½ tsps
Methi Seeds – ½ spoon
Onion – Small piece (sliced thinly) - Optional
Garlic Cloves – 2 (Smashed a bit) ( Optional)
Curry Leaves – 3 to 4
Red Chillies – 2

Wash the toor dal. Add Raw Mango pieces, amaranth leaves, Green Chillies, turmeric, half a spoon of oil, sliced tomato to Toor Dal. Add two small cups of water, mix once. Pressure cook it for 4 whistles. Keep it aside for 10 mins to avoid the steam. Add salt and mash it coarsely.
Take a separate pan, and add Oil into it. After oil gets heated, add mustard seeds, jeera seeds and methi seeds. Once it splatters, add Garlic cloves, Onion pieces, curry leaves and red chillies and stir for two mins. Remove and mix with Tadka with Dal. Do not burn or fry the garlic or onions into golden brown. Addition of methi seeds to Tadka gives nice flavor and its good for health. Serve hot with ROti or Rice.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Hyderabadi Chicken Biryani

Hyderabadi Chicken Biryani (Dum Ka Biryani):

Basmati Rice (I prefer Dawat or Deep) – 5 cups (Washed and soaked for 30 mins or more)
Chicken – 2 lbs or Whole chicken cut in pieces
Oil – 10 tsps or 1 small cup
Onion – 1 Big (Chopped)
Green Chilies – 2 (Sliced)
Ginger Garlic Paste – 6 spoons
Cinnamon – 1 medium Stick (cut into Small pieces)
Cloves – 6 to 8
Cardamom – 2
Black Cardamom – 2
Bay Leaves – 4
Fresh Ground Black Pepper – 1 tsps
Fresh Ground Shajeera (KalaJeera) – 2 tsps
Coriander Powder – 5 spoons
Red Chilli Powder – 1 Spoon
Garam Masala Powder – 1 spoon
Mint leaves – 1 small bunch (Separate the leaves and chopped)
Coriander Leaves – 1 Small Bunch (Separate the leaves and chopped)
Tomatoes – 1 Big (Cut into small pieces)
Yogurt – 2 spoon
Lime Juice – 2 Spoon
Salt – 3 tsps (Adjust to taste)
I Big Onion – Thin Sliced for garnishing.
Orange or Saffron Color - a pinch. (Optional)
Milk – 1 tsps (to mix orange color)
Baking Tray – 1
Aluminum Foil – to cover the baking tray

Take chicken, apply salt and turmeric into chicken pieces, and wash with water. Mix Ginger garlic paste, salt, turmeric, red chilli powder, coriander powder, lime juice, 1 spoon of oil, curd together. Apply the paste to chicken pieces and marinate for minimum one hour. Take a big pan and heat the oil. Add the chopped onions and sliced green chilies and fry till it gets golden brown. Add ginger garlic paste, and fry for two mins. Add Chopped Mint leaves, coriander leaves and fry for two to three minutes. Add tomato and fry for two mins till it gets cooked. Add marinated chicken into oil, mix well, close the lid and let it cook for 20-30 mins. Generally chicken cooks with in its own juices. Add little water if required. Remove heat once chicken is cooked.
For Damka: PreHeat the Conventional Oven before 15 mins at 350 degrees.
Onions for garnishing: Take a separate pan, heat the oil, fry the thin sliced onions till it comes to golden brown color. Keep it aside.
For Saffron color: Mix color in milk
Take another vessel with water which is double the rice and bring it to boil. For ex: if you use 5 glasses of rice, use 10 or 12 glasses of water. After water boils, add soaked rice, cinnamon sticks, cardamom (Black & Green), Cloves, Bay Leaves and bring it boil. Remove the heat after the rice is half cooked and drain the rice. Keep it aside.
Take a baking tray, apply butter or ghee or oil. Spread rice in the tray, layer with chicken and top spread the remaining rice. Add golden Fried onions on top of the rice, sprinkle the saffron mixed milk, spread the moist cloth on top of the rice. Cover and seal with aluminum foil. Keep it in conventional oven for 30-40 mins. Take out & Serve with Raitha.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Sorakaya Palu koora (Bottle gourd with milk curry)

Sorakaya Palu koora (Bottle gourd with milk curry)

Whenever I want to eat plain, lite food, I prefer eating sorakaya. It takes less oil, very simple food good for easy digestion.

Sorakaya / Bottle gourd – 1 medium. (Peel the skin and cut into small pieces)
Green Chillies - 2 or 3 (As per taste) (slice into two pieces)
Coriander Leaves – 1 spoon (chopped)
Ginger – 1 inch piece (Finely chopped) – you can substitute this with Garlic for different taste)
Oil – 2 tsps
Salt to Taste
Turmeric – a pinch
Coriander Powder – 1 tsps
Milk – 1 small cup
For Seasoning (Popu) or Tadka:
Chana Dal – ½ tsps
Urad Dal – ½ tsps
Mustard Seeds – ½ tsps
Jeera Seeds – ½ tsps
Curry Leaves – 3 to 4

Take a pan and heat the oil. Do Popu or Tadka by adding chana dal, urad dal, mustard seeds, jeera seeds and curry leaves into it. Saute them and add chopped ginger and green chilies. Fry it for a minute. Add bottle gourd pieces, salt, turmeric and mix it well. Close the lid and allow to cook for 10 mins. Add little water and cook till bottle gourd becomes soft. Add coriander powder, mix well. Add milk and allow it to cook for 5 more minutes. Add coriander leaves and stir for a min. Remove the heat and serve hot with roti or rice. Rice, Sorakaya curry and peanut chutney-- My meal today :)

Palli Chutney (Peanut Chutney)

Palli Chutney (Peanut/ Ground nut) chutney:

There are several ways of making Palli Chutney, but I like this way.

Pea Nuts – 1 cup
Green Chillies - 2 or 3 (As per taste)
Tamarind – small piece (Soak in little water and take the juice)
Tomato – half
Coriander Leaves – 1 spoon (chopped)
Onions – ½ onion, cut into Big pieces.
Oil – 2 tsps
Salt to Taste

Take a pan and let it heat. Add peanuts and roast it till the skin turns brown. Turn continuously to avoid burning. Keep aside and let them cool. Take another pan, and add oil. Saute Green chilies, Onions, Tomato and Coriander leaves separately and keep aside. Grind roasted peanuts first and then add green chilies, tomato, salt and tamarind juice. Add little water if required. Grind into smooth paste. Add Onions and coriander leaves and grind coarsely for a sec or mix it with hands. This will be good with rice or Dosa.

Beetroot Fry

Beetroot Fry:

Beetroots – 2 medium
Onion – 1 half (Chopped)
Garlic – 2 cloves (chopped)
Green Chilies – 2 (long sliced)
Red Chilli Powder – 1 tsps (as per taste)
Dry or Fresh grated Coconut -1 tsps
Turmeric Powder – ½ tsps
Salt – As per Taste
Oil – 2 tsps
For Seasoning (Popu) or Tadka:
Chana Dal – ½ tsps
Urad Dal – ½ tsps
Mustard Seeds – ½ tsps
Jeera Seeds – ½ tsps
Curry Leaves – 3 to 4
Red Chillies - 2

Peel the beetroots and slice into small pieces. Boil the water and add the sliced beets into water. Allow the beets to boil for 5 mins and drain it. Take a pan, add oil and heat. Add Chanadal, Urad dal, mustard seeds and jeera seeds and let them turn to golden brown. Add Onions, chopped garlic, green chillies and curry leaves, sauté them for 2 mins. Add Beetroot pieces and add salt, turmeric and mix it well. Stir Occassionally and allow them to fry for 10 mins. Add grated coconut, Red Chilli powder and mix well for 2 mins. Remove heat. Serve Hot with Roti or Rice.

Onion - Tomato curry

Onion – Tomato Curry (Ullipaya Pulusu):

Onion – 1 big (Sliced into thin pieces)
Tomato – 1 Big (Cut into small pieces)
Ginger – 1 inch piece (Chopped into thin pieces)
Green chilies – 2 (Long Slices)
Coriander Powder – 1 tsps
Red Chilli powder – 1 tsps (Adjust to taste)
Oil – 3 tsps
Salt to Taste
Turmeric – ½ tsps
For Seasoning (Popu) or Tadka:
Chana Dal – ½ tsps
Urad Dal – ½ tsps
Mustard Seeds – ½ tsps
Jeera Seeds – ½ tsps
Curry Leaves – 3 to 4

This is a very simple and easy recipe. Heat the oil in a pan (or vessel) and add chana dal, urad dal, mustard seeds and jeera seeds. Fry them till golden brown in color. Add Green Chilies, Onions and curry leaves. Saute till onions become tender. Don’t let onions to become golden brown. Add chopped ginger and fry for two mins. Add tomatoes, salt, turmeric, coariander powder, red chilli powder, little water. Mix well, close the lid and cook for 10-15 mins on medium heat. Add coriander leaves to the curry and serve hot with chapathi or roti or rice.

Falling Leaves at Mountain View, CA

Beauty of Mountain View:
These pictures I have taken at last year winter,some time at the end of December, when I went to pick up my best friend at Village Lake Apartments, Mountain View. It was a rainy day, and I went at around 7 AM in the morning. My friend was little bit late, so I thought of taking a small walk around the apartments. When I started walking, I found so many leaves falling on the road, walk way. Those leaves started explaining me about the beauty of life and I suddenly remembered a beautiful old poem.

These are some of the sweeetest memories that I captured with my old Nokia phone  .

An old poem about The falling leaves by Margaret Postgate Cole

Today, as I rode by,
I saw the brown leaves dropping from their tree
In a still afternoon,
When no wind whirled them whistling to the sky,
But thickly, silently,
They fell, like snowflakes wiping out the noon;
And wandered slowly thence
For thinking of a gallant multitude
Which now all withering lay,
Slain by no wind of age or pestilence,
But in their beauty strewed
Like snowflakes falling on the Flemish clay.

Winter at Silicon Valley

Winter at San Jose:

In San Jose, we don’t get fall and colors like Eastcoast. We do not have ice or snow too. When the entire US (Except West Coast) suffers with winter storms, We experience only cooler nights and we enjoy the cold with only simple sweaters. We can only see colors changing to yellow in the peak winter. I just wanted to post some of my pictures that I have taken in the month of January of this year and last year.

Pictures from my apartments

Hyderabadi Vegetable Biryani (Dumka Veg Biryani)

Hyderabadi Vegetable Biryani (Dum Ka Biryani):

Basmati Rice (I prefer Dawat or Deep) – 5 cups (Washed and soaked for 30 mins)
Carrots – 1 Medium, Peeled and cut into 1 inch pieces
Potatoes – 3 Small, Peel and Cut into 4 pieces each.
Peas – 1 small cup
Cauliflower Florets – 1 Big Cup
Beans – 10-15, Cut into 1 inch pieces
Soya Chunks – 1 Small cup (Soak for 10 mins and drain the water)
Oil – 6 tsps
Cashew – 1 small cup (Optional)
Pea Nuts – 1 small cup (Optional)
Onion – 1 Big (Chopped)
Green Chilies – 2 (Sliced)
Ginger Garlic Paste – 4 spoons
Cinnamon – 1 medium Stick (cut into Small pieces)
Cloves – 6 to 8
Cardamom – 2
Black Cardamom – 2
Bay Leaves – 4
Fresh Ground Black Pepper – 1 tsps
Fresh Ground Shajeera (KalaJeera) – 2 tsps
Coriander Powder – 2 spoons
Red Chilli Powder – 1 Spoon
Mint leaves – 1 small bunch (Separate the leaves and chopped)
Coriander Leaves – 1 Small Bunch (Separate the leaves and chopped)
Tomatoes – 1 Big (Cut into small pieces)
Yogurt – 1 spoon
Lime Juice – 1 Spoon
Salt – 3 tsps (Adjust to taste)
I Big Onion – Thin Sliced for garnishing.
Orange or Saffron Color - a pinch. (Optional)
Milk – 1 tsps (to mix orange color)
Baking Tray – 1
Aluminum Foil – to cover the baking tray

Take a big pan (I prefer pressure cooker) and heat the oil. Add the chopped onions and sliced green chilies and fry till it gets golden brown. Add Peanuts and Cashew and fry till it gets golden brown. Add ginger garlic paste, and fry for two mins. Add Chopped Mint leaves, coriander leaves and fry for two to three minutes. Add coriander powder, Shajeera powder, black pepper powder and Red Chilli powder to the oil and fry it for two minutes. Add the tomatoes and fry for two mins. Stir to avoid burning. Add all vegetables and soya chunks, add salt, turmeric, curd, lemon juice to the vegetables and mix well. If you use a pan, keep the lid and let the vegetables cook for 10 mins on medium heat. If you use pressure cooker, close the lid, keep it for two whistles.
For Damka: PreHeat the Conventional Oven before 15 mins at 350 degrees.
Onions for garnishing: Take a separate pan, heat the oil, fry the thin sliced onions till it comes to golden brown color. Keep it aside.
For Saffron color: Mix color in milk.
Take another vessel with water which is double the rice and bring it to boil. For ex: if you use 5 glasses of rice, use 10 or 12 glasses of water. After water boils, add soaked rice, cinnamon sticks, cardamom (Black & Green), Cloves, Bay Leaves and bring it boil. Remove the heat after the rice is half cooked and drain the rice. Keep it aside.
Take a baking tray, apply butter or ghee or oil. Pour the rice into the baking tray, spread it well. Pour the vegetables and mix it well. Add golden Fried onions on top, sprinkle the saffron mixed milk, spread the moist cloth on top of the rice. Cover and seal with aluminum foil. Keep it in conventional oven for 30-40 mins. Take out & Serve with Raitha.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Bendakaya Iguru (Okra - Tomato Curry)

Bendakaya Iguru (Okra – Tomato curry):

I always prefer Bendi in one of my weekly meals. I still believe that this vegetable will improve my memory power (I was told by my mom). Most of my friends don’t like cutting okra because of its gummy nature. But to me, its very easy to cut when I follow some of the tips. I also found it’s very easy to cut this vegetable because I can cut three to four Okras at same time.  Thanks for my bachelor colleague to share this trick. Here are some steps/tips to cut Bendi (I call Bendakaya as Bendi) to reduce / avoid Gummy nature:
1. Wash Bendi with clean water and put on Clean Paper for 5 to 10 mins. Paper will absorb most of the water in Bendi.
2. Take a paper napkin and clean the remaining water in Okra.
3. If there is no moist or water droplets in Bendi, then it won’t be so gummy while cooking.
4. Don’t cover with lid, and don’t put salt in the beginning of cooking.
5. Make sure the knife and cutting board are dry.
6. Add little curd, or milk or lemon juice while cooking. (Generally I don’t prefer this tip).

Bendakayalu or Okra – 1 lb (clean and dry and cut into Medium pieces)
Onion – 1 half (Chopped)
Tomatoes – 1 Big (cut into Medium pieces)
Garlic – 2 cloves (chopped)
Red Chilli Powder – 1 tsps (as per taste)
Coriander Powder – 1 tsps
Turmeric Powder – ½ tsps
Salt – As per Taste
Oil – 3 tsps
For Seasoning (Popu) or Tadka:
Chana Dal – ½ tsps
Urad Dal – ½ tsps
Mustard Seeds – ½ tsps
Jeera Seeds – ½ tsps
Curry Leaves – 3 to 4
Red Chillies - 2

Heat the oil in a pan (or vessel) and add chana dal, urad dal, mustard seeds and jeera seeds. Fry them till golden brown in color. Add Red Chillies, Chopped Garlic and Curry Leaves. Saute them for two mins. Add Bendi into the oil and stir occasionally on Medium Heat. Let bendi become little tender, by leaving the gummy texture. Add onions, Salt and Turmeric and stir occasionally. Close the lid for 5 mins on low medium heat. It will allow bendi and onions to be tender. Add chopped tomatoes, coriander powder and red chilli powder and stir it on medium heat. Do not close with lid. Cook for 5 more mins by stirring occasionally. Serve with Roti or Rice.