Thursday, February 26, 2009

Palli Chutney (Peanut Chutney)

Palli Chutney (Peanut/ Ground nut) chutney:

There are several ways of making Palli Chutney, but I like this way.

Pea Nuts – 1 cup
Green Chillies - 2 or 3 (As per taste)
Tamarind – small piece (Soak in little water and take the juice)
Tomato – half
Coriander Leaves – 1 spoon (chopped)
Onions – ½ onion, cut into Big pieces.
Oil – 2 tsps
Salt to Taste

Take a pan and let it heat. Add peanuts and roast it till the skin turns brown. Turn continuously to avoid burning. Keep aside and let them cool. Take another pan, and add oil. Saute Green chilies, Onions, Tomato and Coriander leaves separately and keep aside. Grind roasted peanuts first and then add green chilies, tomato, salt and tamarind juice. Add little water if required. Grind into smooth paste. Add Onions and coriander leaves and grind coarsely for a sec or mix it with hands. This will be good with rice or Dosa.

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