Sunday, October 13, 2013

Egg in a hole- with Bell Pepper

I woke up late than usual and thought of having a quick, delicious breakfast. When I open the fridge, I found only two eggs, leftover bread and one bell pepper. I got bored of regular toast and omelette. I remembered one of the Sunny Anderson Show that I watched some time ago, where she made Eggs in a hole with bread for breakfast.  I thought, why can’t I make Eggs in Bell Pepper instead of bread and keep a slice of toast a side. Bell Pepper is a very healthy Veggie, I really like the aroma and crispiness of Bell Pepper when toasted lightly.  This really turned so good, seriously delicious. I had home made very yummy breakfast in minutes. Here is the preparation method I would like to share with you:

Ingredients: (Quantity can be varied based on number of servings)

1 Bell Pepper - Slice in 1 inch pieces
Olive Oil/ Canola Oil – ½ spoon ( I don’t prefer using butter, You can use Butter or any non stick spray)
Salt – a pinch  - As per taste
Pepper – Ground Pepper or Crushed Pepper

Preparation Method: Wash and Cut the Bell Pepper Round into one inch pieces. Remove the seeds and centers.  Take a Pan and add olive or Canola oil over low-medium heat.   Place bell peppers into the pan and let them saute for a minute.  Crack one egg and pour into the center of Bell Pepper slowly.  Sometimes egg white runs out of the bell pepper but its ok, it will seal it later.  Make sure the heat is low or low medium so egg cook slowly without burning.  Let it cook for 2 mins and slowly turn the other side, and let it cook for one more min. I prefer eggs fully cooked so I prefer keeping one more min I make sure yellows are fully cooked.  Sprinkle Salt and Pepper. Serve with Toast or any fruit based on your choice.  Enjoy the healthy and delicious breakfast !!!

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