Monday, December 1, 2008

Pudina Pachadi / Mint Chutney

I am big fan of Aroma, especially the natural fragrance of greens. This weekend I went to Indian Groceries, I was attracted by Fresh Pudina (Mint) and I bought a biiig bunch of Pudina leaves. Thanks to India Cash n Carry. :) I recollected the taste of stone ground Pudina chutney that my mother used to do in my childhood and I tried for the same taste using a mixie. This came out well, and tastes yummy succesfully close to what my mom used to make. My sister liked it so much :) that she emptied the entire bowl of pudina chutney !!


2 bunches of Pudina - Separate the leaves and rinse them thoroughly, Dry them for 5 mins on a paper to remove extra water.
Green Chilies - 6 - Cut into half
Dry Coconut Chopped into thin Slices - 1 small cup
Tamarind - 1 small lime size
1 medium Onion - Slice to big pieces.

Oil - 3 tsps
Salt to Taste

Clean the tamarind and Soak Tamarind in little water for 5 mins. Heat few drops of oil in a pan and fry the green chilies for 2 mins. Remove the chilies and keep in a separate plate. Fry dry chopped coconut for 1 min. Coconut burns very fast and it will change the taste. Make sure that you fry Coconut only for few seconds or min on low medium heat. Remove the coconut and keep aside. Heat 1 tsps oil, and sautee the onions for 2 mins. It will add taste to onion and will not change the texture of onions. Remove the onions from the pan and keep aside. Add 1 tsps oil, and fry Pudina leaves till it looses the water. Stir in the middle to avoid the burning. Once it is done, keep it aside.

Grind the coconut into powder. Add Chilies to coconut, and salt to taste and grind for a while. Add Pudina leaves into Coconut, add little bit of Tamarind water and grind till comes as a coarse paste. Add Sauteed Onions and mix it for a sec. Dont grind Onions, Chutney will become watery and it changes the taste. This chuntey is good with Hot rice or with Chapathis or with Dal and Potato Fry.

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