Monday, December 1, 2008

Dondakaya (Tindora)- Stir Fry


Dondakayalu (Tindora) - 0.5 lbs or (20 to 25 in number)

For Seasoning or popu or Tadka:
mustard seeds
cumin seeds
chana dal
urad dal
curry leaves
Oil - 2 tsps
Garlic Clove- 1 Chopped (Optional)
salt to taste
Pinch of turmeric powder

Coarse Dry Coconut Powder - 1 tsps
Red Chilli Powder - 1 tsps (according to taste)

Wash and cut the tip ends. Slice the dondakayalu legth wise into 4 pieces. Heat the oil in a pan, and fry the cumin seeds, mustard seeds, chana dal, urad dal into golden brown color. Add curry leaves and chopped garlic and stir for a second. Add sliced dondakayalu into the pan, add salt, turmeric and stir well. Close the lid and cook on medium low heat. Stir in the middle to avoid burning. Cook till Dondakayalu loose its mositen. Remove the lid and stir occassionally on medium heat till it begin to turn deeper color. Finally add the red chilli powder and coconut powder. Sautee for 5 mins on low heat.

Serve with Rice or Roti / Chapathi.

Make sure to cook the dondakayalu immediately after cutting. Clean your hands with salt after cutting the dondakayalu to avoid stains or stickiness. Remove the tips of dondakayalu before slicing into 4 pieces.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Nice stuff, simple and easy