Saturday, June 23, 2012

Palli Podi (Peanut Powder)

Palli Podi / VeruSenaga Pappula Podi (Peaput Powder):
Palli podi is common dish in our family. We use this powder as an alternative to Chutney. My mom used to make a big jar of powder, and we used to eat in our every day breakfast or with meals. It is best dish can be served with Upma, Roti, Poori, and Pongal etc.,

Raw peanuts (Preferably with shell) – 2 cups
Dry Red Chilli – 15 in number (I prefer Indian chillis, Spice can be adjusted according to the taste)
Salt – Accoding to taste
Garlic Cloves – 3
Roast the raw peanuts into brown color by using a pan. Cool them and remove the skin. Roast Dry Chillies for 2 mins. Add peanuts, drychillies and salt into mixer/grinder and grind into coarse powder. Add garlic into the mix and grind for 1 min. Remove from Mixer and store in a clean, dry jar. It stays for a month or two. You can also add a table spoon of toasted cumin for taste, but it’s optional.

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