Monday, June 25, 2012

Yard Long Green Beans - Potato Stir Fry

It took for a while for me to cook Yard Long beans. Whenever I go to Indian or Chinese stores, I always wonder what kind of vegetable it is. I see many Indians buy this vegetable, but I don’t know what it is and don’t know how to cook. Last week when I was in Indian groceries, someone asked me about this vegetable. Instead of saying I DON’T KNOW, I simply mentioned that it’s a different kind of beans, can be cooked just like beans. Then I thought, I should try the same way. I added Aloo/ Potato in the fry for safer side, just in case if beans don’t come well, I can still eat Aloo... haha.. But it really came out very well… Here is recipe of this simple dish.

Yard Long Green Beans – 1 bunch (Wash, Cut into small pieces)
Potatoes – 2 small (Peel and chop into small pieces)
Onion – 1 small (Remove the skin, cut into small pieces)
Garlic cloves – 2 (chopped)
Vegetable / Canola Oil – 2 tbl spoon
Mustard Seeds & Jeera/ Cumin Seeds – 1 tea spoon
Red Chillies – 1
Urad Dal – ½ spoon
Bengal Gram / Chana Dal – ½ spoon
Curry leaves – 3
Grated Coconut – 1 spoon (Optional)
Salt – according to taste
Turmeric – a pinch
Red Chilli Powder – 1 spoon or as per the spice level
Boil the water and add cut Yard long beans. Parboil the beans and remove the water. Keep aside. Take a Pan, Add Oil, let the oil get medium hot. Add mustard Seeds, Cumin seeds, Urad Dal, red chilli. Fry till all the ingredients turns lightly brown. Add chopped Garlic, Chopped Potato, Salt, and Turmeric. Fry till 5-10 mins on medium heat or till Potatoes get little soft. Add Onions, Par Boiled Yard long green beans to the potatoes. Stir Fry on High Heat for 3 mins. Add grated coconut and red chilli powder on 2 mins. Serve with Roti or Rice. Enjoy !!!

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