Saturday, June 23, 2012

Watermelon Juice

Watermelon Juice:
For sure now It's summer here  We are in 99-100 from past two days. AC did not work at my home today. What to do? I didn’t realize that AC is not working… I simply thought its because too hot temperatures, it is taking some time to cool. It is so hot, so whats better other than Watermelon. I made simple fresh watermelon juice. I really like the sweetness of watermelon itself so I didn’t add any additional sugar or honey. Here is the simple recipe of the best summer cooler:

Slice Watermelon into small cubes – 2 cups
Mint – Optional
Lemon Juice – Optional

Blend Watermelon with a blender. Add 1 tbl spoon of lemon juice if you want. Serve it chill by keeping in Refrigerator or add icecubes and serve it cool.

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