Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Breakfast for Kids

I don’t have kids. Well, I am single, so all my recipes are only related to my own appetite and my own passion in trying to new techniques to satisfy my stomach cravings. It just happened that few of my close friends kids turned 4, and my friends repeatedly mentioned how fussy the kids are in eating breakfast, how difficult for them to enjoy vegetables…I also met someone who is so special, also need of some good recipes for the kids (I think so, but I am not sure)… so I thought of exploring few creative and delicious, healthy recipes for kids. Yes, I don’t have kids, there is no one sit next to me for dining, enjoy or comment or waste the food etc..etc.. But how does it matter as long you have heart to see what kids want… so, friends, here you go, few recipes are for you. Try for your kids…hope they enjoy…these recipes are for naughty, cuty, cranky, chubby, lovely kids….

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